In 2013 eTrigue again received top honors as evaluated by Gleanster in their benchmark report on Marketing Automation. Gleanster evaluated the top marketing automation vendors and users of marketing automation applications.
The Gleansight benchmark report examined how top-performing organizations justify investments in marketing automation and exactly how they utilize the tools. This includes things like creating content for lead nurturing campaigns, data quality, and poor marketing processes.Ian Michiels, Principal Analyst and author of the report, top performers are, “more likely than all other organizations to invest in process optimization and change management.” To elaborate, “investments are more about aligning the organization around the new dynamics of B2B marketing.”
According to Gleanster, marketers are reporting diminishing returns from mass email campaigns and other traditional tactics. Marketing automation helps overcome these challenges by delivering a multi-channel platform that is capable of engaging prospects within buying cycles. The days of generating large quantities of low quality leads in marketing are over Marketers are now thinking about how they can deliver relevant and targeted content to build better relationships.
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